Practice test provides a different set of questions to prepare for exams in the test environment. To find the practice test questions, click the
Practice Tests tab on the
Dashboard or select the
Practice Tests option from the
Course Navigation menu.

Figure 6.5: Course Dashboard with Practice Tests Tab

Figure 6.6: Practice Test Main Page with Test SetsInitially, all the test modes are disabled. Choose any test set to enable them.
For each assessment, there are three types of modes. Each mode tests your knowledge for the course in different ways. Here are the types of modes:
- Test: In this mode, you can take a timed test simulating the actual exam conditions.

Figure 6.7: Practice Test in Test Mode
- Learn: In this mode, you can check your answers immediately after each question by clicking the Learn button or the Next button on the bottom bar.

Figure 6.8: Practice Test in Learn Mode
- Review: In this mode, you can review each question with its answer and explanation.

Figure 6.9: Practice Test in Review Mode