You can organize multiple courses in your library with the help of filter tabs. It comprises of pre-defined filter tabs:
- Active - All the active courses will be shown here.
- Archived - If you have archived any course, then it will be shown here.
You can archive a course using the
Archive option. Click the
three-dots menu next to the
Open button and select the
Archive option.

Figure 3.1: Archive Option
- Expired - All the expired courses will be shown here.
- Ungrouped - All the courses, which does not belong to any group will be shown here.
So, if you have multiple courses in your library you can easily manage it under these categories. You can even create custom groups to organize it further.

Figure 3.2: My Library Page with Pre-Defined Tabs
Go to
My Library,
click the Groups drop-down, and select the
Create a group option.

Figure 3.3: Groups button with the Create a group optionType the name for the group of courses, which you want to create. Pick a color to identify your group and select the required courses for your group. Finally, click the
Add button to create the group.
Figure 3.4: Create a group modal boxYou can view the group name, color assigned to the group, and number of courses in the group, under the
Groups drop-down.

Figure 3.5: My Library Page with Course GroupTo edit the details of the group or to delete the desired group, click the
Groups drop-down and click the
pencil icon next to the group name.

Figure 3.6: My Library Page with Edit Course Group Option

Figure 3.7: Edit Group Modal Box with Delete Course Option