Test Prep is a simple, cloud-based, highly scalable solution that can be used to effortlessly deliver assessments & test preps to a browser or device anytime, anywhere. To find the
Test Prep questions, click the
play button.

Figure 6.10: Practice Test Main Page with Test PrepThe
bottom bar consists of the
three-bullet icon, which represents the number of successful and unsuccessful attempts.

Figure 6.11: Test Prep Question
After a correct attempt, the color of bullet icon will turn to green.

Figure 6.12: Successful Attempt in Test Prep
After an unsuccessful attempt, the color of the bullet icon will turn to red.

Figure 6.13: Unsuccessful Attempt in Test PrepAfter three consecutive correct attempts, the question will be removed from the set of questions in the pool. Clicking the
arrow button at left side, will open the side panel which consists of following details:
- Mastered: Shows the number of items for the correct attempts.
- In Play: Shows the number of items for the incorrect attempts.
- Pending: Shows the number of items which are unattempted.
- Time: Shows the time lapse to attempt the items in the play pool.

Figure 6.14: Side Panel of Test Prep